Paeora (ex-White Eagle) - NZ
Palmerston - HS
Panmure - DC
Parsee - WW
Parthenope - TM
Patriarch - AW
Patrician - MA
Peeress - SO
Pekina - DM
Peleus - CA
Pengwern -TW
Pericles - AW
Peter Denny - SS
Phasis - CA
Phoenician - AW
Piako - NZ
Pitt - CT
Pladda - SS
Pleiades - SS
Pleione - SS
Portia - TW
Port Jackson - DM
Primrose - WW
Prince of Wales - BW
Principality - TW
Queen - WG
Queen Mab - WW
Queen of
Queen of Nations - AW
Queen of the Thames, ss - DM